GERD With Anxiety: Or The Other Way Around?

I can still remember when my GERD started back in 2001. I was a second year college student and the symptoms started on exam week. During one of my review days in the library, my stomach felt weird and had something I never experienced before.

It was painful and feels like there is a sharp object poking inside. Moreover, my throat hurt after 15 minutes. The same stabbing pain was also happening as I swallow my saliva.

I was scared with the back of my mind telling me “it is cancer”. I went to the university’s clinic and the doctor said it could be GERD. I was prescribed medicine and told to be mindful of my diet to let my stomach recover.

How I Managed GERD Due to Anxiety (or Anxiety due to GERD)

Apparently, the foods for anxiety attack prevention may only work if they do not cause severe stomach acids. The doctor told me to:

  • Avoid caffeinated drinks, coffee, chocolate, soft drinks
  • Avoid sour foods like vinegar, citrus fruits
  • Eat only in small portions and only one type of dish per meal
  • Rest and sleep early
  • Be stress-free (almost impossible)

The Attack Started

It was really painful in my chest and upper back. Can you imagine being in a public transport like an FX (UV Express na ngayon), squeezed in the middle row with other passengers and having anxiety attack? You are doomed.

I did not understand what it was at first. During those days, we don’t have Smartphones to check what the condition is. So my mind was again thinking about a grave disease. That fueled my anxiety even more.

When I got home, I opened up my PC and surfed, there it was “it could be cancer“. The funny thing is that I already assumed that I have the disease and ignored the word “could“. I was almost going to faint that time and my anxiety kicked in.

I will never go back to that situation ’cause I’ve learned to manage anxiety attacks whenever it starts to peek.

Which Came First?

I don’t know. I am still wondering right now whether anxiety caused my GERD or GERD caused my anxiety. It was an endless cycle and I was not able to pinpoint which came first.

It is understandable that we become stressed out during exams. Our minds get strained and thus will cause hyperacidity. But as symptoms become more obvious, you become anxious. Causing you to think more of things that scares you.

The the cycle, as tiring as it can be, begins again.

Is it the food?

I’ve done some research before and it seems that there are foods that can cause GERD which is then pumped up by anxiety attacks. But I have been drinking coffee for 3 years before my diagnosis and didn’t have any problems.

That’s when I realized that my anxiety only makes my GERD worse, or even the cause of it. When have stressful thoughts, my stomach acid increases. And when I feel pain, I start thinking about diseases.

You see, it has become a cycle.

So What am I doing with it?

Before, none of my family members understood what’s going on. I don’t know how to control anxiety attacks. It just happens. Now, I am wiser and can completely manage it.

Do I Still Have GERD?

As of the moment, I have been GERD-free for 10 years. Sometimes, I had those upset stomach episodes due to hyper-acidity but I consider them mild. I just buy over the counter medicines, the one in TV commercials, and they solve my problem.

I’ve learned my lesson. If I allow attacks to control my life, it will just bring me back to the endless cycle of anxiety-GERD-GERD-anxiety, costing me a lot of money for doctor check ups and medication.

How about you, what’s your experience?

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