Needle Pricks: One of the Anxiety Symptoms I Hate

I’m sure that you know what I mean when I say needle pricks. It is one of the most disturbing symptoms whenever my anxiety attacks. It’s hard to describe to others but we all know about it the same way.

What Do I Feel?

A few seconds before I have anxiety attacks comes the sensation of needles pricking my skin. It starts usually from the legs but later, it will also affect my arms. The thing that I hate most is when my face also experiences the pins and needles sensation.

It seems like someone is poking needles on your skin but there aren’t any. They are invisible. In summary, I have listed here the symptoms I have:

  • Feels like there are needles on my skin
  • Sometimes there is twitching and needle sensation
  • The skin area may feel like burn from fire
  • There is a feeling similar to tiny sparks of electricity on the skin

My Remedy

In the early years of my anxiety, I didn’t really know what to do about it. I was scared and have thought of different diseases, mainly cancer. Back then I was not really aware of cancer symptoms so I assumed it was skin cancer.

Since the sensations are felt on my skin, I just knew I have the illness. But during those days, I had to rely on myself for remedy. What I did was to press on the skin part that experiences the sensation.

Sometimes, I also rub it off so that the whole patch of skin experiences a sense of hit, drowning the needle sensation. Does it work? About 90% of the time it did.

How About Now?

I’d be honest and up to know I still have those sensations. But several years later, I can not ignore them and sometimes it just lasts about 2 minutes. It may happen again tomorrow but I know that it’s part of my anxious mind.

How about you, have you experienced this before?

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